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Chest Machines

Our range of Commercial Chest Machines features offerings from top industry brands, including Body-Solid, Powertec and Halo, and are sure to be an upper-body favourite with your members.

The Benefits of Commercial Chest Machines


Our range of Commercial Chest Machines offer the functionality and versatility to target specific upper-body muscles. Certain machines also offer multiple exercises – flat, incline and decline chest press, for example.


Putting your users out of the way of potential danger, a machine with a weight stack or weight plates is a much safer training option compared to free weights. Lifting too heavy? Instead of dropping a barbell on yourself, just let go of the cables or press arms to return the weight stack or plate loaded station to its starting point.

Correct Form

Commercial chest machines work on a fixed plane of motion, meaning there is no weight imbalance, and your form remains perfect throughout the movement.

Improved Durability

Commercial Chest Machines feature higher durability, upgraded engineering and higher quality aesthetics that chest machines that are specifically designed for home use. The often boast a higher weight capacity, meaning users can lift heavier, and are tested to withstand the rigours of high-intensity usage every day.