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13 products

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Racer bikes, also known as studio bikes or Spin® bikes due to the popularity of the original Spinner® bikes, are designed to closely resemble the feel of a road bike. They have a weighted flywheel, which is connected to the pedals through a transmission system. The resistance can usually be adjusted via a dial, just as you would change the gears on a road bike. These bikes also allow you to pedal while standing up, allowing you to target and engage different muscle groups for a much more intensive workout. Whether you are an advanced fitness enthusiast or cycling beginner, indoor cycling bikes are a great choice, not just because the mimic the sensation of real-life cycling, but because they offer the capability to perform your very own fitness classes at home!



Racers, commonly known as “studio bikes”, simulate hill climbing and sprinting to work your lower body with extreme intensity as you would in an actual race. As with an upright, you can either sit or stand on a racer, varying the muscle groups you target for the best possible results. Traditionally sporting heavier flywheels, racers demand greater effort to maximise your calorie burn. If weight loss is your goal, aim for a heavier flywheel!


The combination of a racing position, easily changeable resistance and advanced flywheel provides a more powerful workout. If you’re into your high intensity interval training (HIIT), go for a racer.


Choose a racer if:


  • You’re an experienced rider
  • You want to simulate a racing experience
  • You’re into HIIT