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Power Bags

These weighted sandbags help to improve strength, core stability and power, building your stomach and back muscles. They are the perfect substitute for kettlebells or medicine balls, are simple yet effective and can be used anywhere.

Power Bags are used by a wide range of functional training areas including, Bootcamps, MMA, uniform Services and rehab facilities, with thousands of power bags being sent over and used by the Royal Navy, Royal Marines and the Army.


Benefits Of Power Bags


Power bags can be transported anywhere and are great for indoor and outdoor use.


The power bags can be used in a large number of different ways, making each exercise different and more interesting.


Improve your strength and endurance as you build your core


Things To Consider


When buying a power bag, you need to consider some important factors to find the one that matches you best - your training ability, purpose of the bag and training experience. Heavier bags are more suited for people who are bodybuilding and strength training, whereas lighter bags are better for people who are just beginning and are more interested in improving fitness and weight loss.