Competition Kettlebells

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Competition Kettlebells

Competition kettlebells are unique in the fact that they are identical in handle and bell size, regardless of weight. This uniform design makes competition kettlebells particularly ideal for use in organised events. Usually identifiable by colour, these kettlebells are great for both beginners and experienced users.
Competition Kettlebells

Competition Kettlebells

Manufactured from steel, and made to an international standard, competition kettlebells have the same diameter regardless of the weight. Not only are these ideal for organised competitions, they are great tools for ensuring correct form throughout each swing, snatch and press.

Built to competition standard in order to meet specific requirements for the handle diameter (35mm) and bell dimension, the competition kettlebells offer a smooth grip for comfortable handling and a larger base for safer and more efficient floor exercises.

Competition kettlebells are usually colour-coded to signify the different weights, so you can great the weight you’re after at a glance. Competition kettlebells range in weights from 8 – 40kg.