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Weight Plates and Bars

Pack your strength training area full of our commercial-grade weight plates and bars, featuring both Olympic and Standard equipment.

Commercial Weight Plates and Bars


Offering unbeatable versatility and training potential, our range of commercial-grade weight plates and bars acts as your one stop shop for your free weight area. Incorporating stabilising muscles into your routine, these weight plates and bars are much more effective in producing overall strength than machines.


Standard Weights and Bars

Ideal for all users, especially beginners, Standard Weight Plates are available from 0.5kg to 25kg, and have a 1” diameter hole in the centre. Standard bars have a maximum weight capacity of 120kg, making them the perfect choice for those not wishing to get advanced bodybuilding results.


Olympic Weights and Bars

Longer and stronger than their Standard counterparts, Olympic weightlifting equipment is often able to withstand a maximum weight load of up to 750kg. Available from 1.25kg to 50kg, Olympic weight plates and bars are better suited to intermediate/advanced trainers.