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Exercise Bikes

A fan-favourite in gyms and health clubs worldwide, an exercise bike is a durable and low-impact alternative to other cardio offerings. Pair outstanding technology developments together with their calorie-burning potential, and an exercise bike is a great addition for any commercial gym environment.

At Fitness Superstore we offer a huge variety of exercise bikes for commercial use, manufactured by world renowned brands such as Life Fitness, NordicTrack, Pro-Form, BH Fitness, Matrix and many more. With cycles to suit all budgets and spaces, and with a range of flexible finance options to choose from, you’re sure to find the right one for you.


Exercise Bike Benefits


  • Less impact on joints

    Cycling on an exercise bike reduces the impact on your joints, compared to cardio exercises such as running.
  • Reduced stress

    During cardio exercise, endorphins are released into your bloodstream. This release of endorphins produces a natural high, which in turn relieves stress.
  • Boosted energy levels

    Exercise of any kind will increase your energy levels, and cycling is one of the best forms of exercise to help increase your overall energy.
  • Increased lung capacity

    Cycling will help improve your lung capacity, making you stronger and healthier.
  • Encourages aerobic fitness

    Pushing pedals provides an aerobic workout which is great for your heart, brain, and blood vessels.
  • Helps to build muscle

    In the power phase of pedalling (the down-stroke), you use your quadriceps, gluteus muscles, gastrocnemius muscles and soleus muscles. In the recovery phase (back-stroke, up-stroke, and over-stroke), you use your hamstrings and flexor muscles.

What to Consider When Buying an Exercise Bike


  • Type of indoor cycle

    • Upright exercise bikes put you in the conventional upright cycling position. Their consoles and pre-programmed workouts are tailored to fit just about anyone's needs and their comfort levels are high. Upright exercise bikes are a great entry level option for anyone new to exercise. If you are tight on space, an upright bike is also a great option as they tend to have a smaller footprint.
    • Recumbent exercise bikes place you in a more horizontal position, are easier to mount and dismount and have a more supportive seat (more like a chair than a saddle) with a back/lumbar support. If you are recovering from knee or back injuries, you may be best opting for a recumbent bike rather than upright bike as the exercise tends to be slightly more on the glutes and has slightly more impact on the lower stomach muscles.
    • Racer bikes (aka studio bikes) are designed slightly differently in terms of their flywheel and resistance, in order to closer resemble the feel of a road bike. They have a weighted flywheel which is connected to the pedals through a transmission system. You can adjust the resistance via a dial, like you would change gears on a road bike. These bikes also allow you to pedal while standing up, which gives you a much more intensive workout and engages different muscle groups. If you are an advanced fitness enthusiast, indoor cycling bikes are a great choice. Not just because they mimic the sensation of real-life cycling, but because their resistance delivery is excellent.
  • Flywheel

    All other things being equal, the heavier the flywheel, the smoother and less jerky the pedalling action. Commercial exercise bikes usually boast heavier flywheels than those designed for the home, delivering a cycling motion that is smoother and more natural.
  • Braking system

    Most exercise bikes use electronic braking which is generally smooth in use and enables manufacturers to offer programmes such as hill and heart rate control. Mechanical braking is simple, cheap and offers potentially very high resistance levels, but it needs a heavy flywheel to give a good pedalling feel and requires regular maintenance. Air braking gives you more resistance as you pedal faster, provides a nice, cooling breeze and is a robust system of generating resistance. However, it doesn't allow you to alter resistance without changing your pedalling speed.
  • Pedalling feel

    Ideally, this should be silky smooth with the same level of resistance throughout the 360 degrees of pedal revolution, even at high resistance levels and out of the saddle. Avoid models with an uneven or jerky pedalling feel.
  • Bike programmes

    These can offer variety and motivation via simulating various hill courses, allowing you to create your own programmes or by controlling your heart rate and more.
  • Exercise bike power supply

    The majority of commercial exercise bikes are mains powered. Keep in mind that the exercise bikes you are buying need to be located near plug sockets in your gym.
  • Riding position adjustability

    The more adjustable the bike, the more comfortable during longer sessions. All bikes have saddle height adjustment. Check whether the saddle or handlebars can be moved backwards and forwards too.
  • Standard of construction

    Check that the frame is built predominantly from metal, the welds are tidy, the overall finish is good without sharp or rough edges and that the moving parts are adequately shielded from prying fingers. Commercial exercise bikes are built to withstand extended daily use, and this should be reflected in the construction.