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Air Rowers

The most common type of rowing machines in commercial gym settings, an air rower is excellent for all types of workout. Featured in national events and competitions, air rowers are very popular in the world of fitness.

Ligh Commercial Air Rowers


Sometimes combined with magnetic resistance, air rowers closely match the simulation of a true rowing experience. This is second only to fluid rowers. Powered by a flywheel, wind is used for resistance, meaning these rowers can be a little noisy, but still deliver a challenging and efficient full-body workout!


Commercial Durability


Commercial-grade air rowing machines are specifically manufactured to withstand higher usage every day than standard home rowing machines. Materials used and the manufacturing process will prove more durable and reliable, maximising the machines lifetime.


Air Power


Similar to water rowing machines in a number of ways, air rowers are a popular choice. In replacement of a water tank you have a fan or flywheel to create resistance, still giving you complete control over the intensity of your workout. One of the more affordable types of rowing machines, air rowers are a staple in commercial gyms.