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The most popular cardio machine in any commercial gym setting across the world, a quality treadmill is a must for your facility. Perfect for improving general fitness, losing weight, increasing endurance, or as an event training tool for your members, our range of commercial treadmills features offerings from the industry’s biggest and most reputable brands.



Designed to withstand heavy usage throughout their lifetime, our commercial treadmills are the perfect platform for long distance running, and are able to withstand multiple users and lengthy sessions every day.




  • Less impact on joints:

    Running on a treadmill reduces the impact on your joints, compared to running on pavements or road surfaces. To further reduce the impact, you may choose to purchase a machine with an orthopaedic belt.
  • Reduced stress: 

    During cardio exercise, endorphins are released into your bloodstream. This release of endorphins produces a natural high, which in turn relieves stress.
  • Improved cardiovascular endurance: 

    Exercise of any kind will increase your energy levels, and running is one of the best forms of exercise to help increase your overall energy.
  • Increased lung capacity: 

    Running will help improve your lung capacity, making you stronger and healthier.
  • Increased bone density: 

    The impact of running on a treadmill causes the body to increase the density of weight bearing bones, in an effort to accommodate the stress of the activity.
  • Increased calorie burn: 

    Running is a weight bearing exercise, which means it burns more calories in comparison to rowing machines or exercise bikes.





  • Measure your workout space:

    It’s imperative that the treadmill you buy fits comfortably into your allocated space. Measure the length, width and height of the available area and keep this handy when browsing treadmills. When measuring, make sure you allow extra space for mounting and dismounting. We recommend a 2ft clearance each side, 130mm at the front and at least 3ft at the back. Don’t forget that your treadmill will need to be located close to a power point.
  • Running area:

    We recommend a 51cm/20” wide belt for runners. In terms of length, at least 140cm/55” is recommended for runners, while 127cm/50” will be sufficient for walkers. The longer and wider the belt, the more room for natural running fluctuation, wider strides and general comfort.
  • Motor size:

     Most commercial treadmills boasts a higher continuous horsepower to accommodate the heavy usage. Light commercial treadmills are deemed to be used for approximately 3-5 hours a day, so we advise looking for one with a larger motor to accommodate the extended use.
  • Speed and incline:

    We recommend a speed limit of at least 16km/h (10mph) for runners. We suggest adding a couple of km/h to your regular running speed. Incline (gradient) is a fantastic feature on treadmills as this is a simple way to add resistance, target different muscle groups and reduce impact on your joints. Most treadmills offer a decent incline range. The wider the range, the more intense a workout it offers.
  • Cushioning and stability:

    Track cushioning helps to protect your joints from impact. Compared to road running, a cushioned treadmill reduces impact by up to 40%, decreasing chances of injury and improving stamina. The sign of good cushioning is when a treadmill doesn’t shake, wobble or vibrate when in use. Most treadmills have good cushioning, while some advanced treadmills now feature variable cushioning, which delivers firm support on push off and cushioning for landing.
  • Weight capacity:

    Commercial treadmills feature a higher weight capacity than most home-grade treadmills, ensuring all users at your facility are accommodated.