Functional Trainers/Cable Machines

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Functional Trainers/Cable Machines

Cable machines provide endless variety so you're bound to accomplish any strength goal. Hitting both the upper and lower body, a cable machine gives you the freedom to train multiple muscles and joints simultaneously with your feet on the ground.
Functional Trainers/Cable Machines

The Benefits of Cable Machines

One of the most versatile pieces of strength equipment, the cable machine (also known as a functional trainer, or multi-functional trainer) is a worthy alternative to traditional free weight training. With an adjustable origin point, a cable machine allows you to work different muscle groups from different angles, all under continuous tension.


Putting you out of the way of potential danger, a cable machine or functional trainer is a much safer training option compared to free weights. Lifting too heavy? Instead of dropping a barbell on yourself, just let go of the cables to return the weight stack or plate loaded station to its starting point.

Correct Form

Most cable machines work on a single (but adjustable) plane of motion without the weight imbalance that’s normally experienced when using free weights. While this imbalance does tend to assist in muscle growth by working to keep the weights steady, it can cause issues when it comes to form.