Elliptical Trainers

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Elliptical Trainers

An elliptical – or cross trainer – is one of the most common cardio machines you’ll find in the gym. A favourite of cardio-lovers, an elliptical merges the movements of a treadmill, exercise bike and stepper, resulting in a workout that engages your entire body. Featuring moving handles, you work your upper and lower body simultaneously with little to no impact on your bones and joints.

At Fitness Superstore we offer a huge variety of cross trainers for commercial environments, manufactured by world renowned brands such as Life Fitness, Matrix and many more. With ellipticals to suit all budgets and spaces, and with a range of flexible finance options to choose from, you’re sure to find the right one for your facility.



  • Low impact

    Using an elliptical reduces the impact on your joints, compared to cardio exercises such as running.
  • Encourages aerobic fitness

    Pushing pedals and engaging your arms via the levers provides an aerobic workout which is great for your heart, brain, and blood vessels.
  • Total body workout

    In using both your arms, legs and core, your elliptical workout will target your entire body, including large muscle groups.
  • Durability and Usage

    Commercial grade equipment is designed to withstand high usage throughout the day compared to equipment more suited to home environments.



  • Lower body movement feel

    The feel of an elliptical is very subjective, however commercial cross trainers boast a movement that feels much smoother and more natural than home cross trainers.
  • Upper body movement feel

    The handles should be comfortable to grip and without significant play as the handles change direction. Check that at high resistance levels, there is no rocking or instability.
  • Ellipse stride length adjustment

    Some machines allow you to shorten or lengthen the stride, making it easier to match the machine's movement to all of your gym member's natural stride patterns.
  • Console feedback and ease of use

    Is the console easy to read from all angles and heights? Is the user interface clear and easy to use by all?
  • The maximum workload

    How much workload can the elliptical provide when used flat out? Look for cross trainers with a higher wattage that can withstand continuous usage throughout the day with no dips in performance.
  • Power type

    Commercial elliptical trainers are usually mains powered - don't forget to take this into account when looking for your gym's new cross trainer!
  • Workout programmes

    Many commercial ellipticals have built in workout programmes to mix up your training and support different workout goals. Examples would be interval training, hill climbing or even custom workouts that you create yourself. More adventurous than home ellipticals, commercial cross trainers offer more advanced workout options, such as virtual interactive training and access to online apps.