Are you constantly tired? Has reaching for a cuppa become your default? If you feel as though you're relying on coffee and energy drinks for a pick me up, read on to find out what Carly Yue has to say on natural alternatives and practical advice about prevention… Upping-Your-Energy-Levels Caffeine is the most widely ingested psychoactive drug in the world, primarily used to increase wakefulness and alertness. Mostly derived from the coffee bean, caffeine is highly addictive, with strong withdrawal effects including headaches and extreme fatigue. Too much caffeine causes dizziness, anxiety and acid reflux, and consuming caffeine during pregnancy has been linked to low birth weight, smaller head size and possible DNA inhibition. Fortunately for us, there are several substitutes for caffeine that offer similar focus and wakeful results! Ice cold water  Ice cold water first thing in the morning can shock your system into a metabolic furnace that kicks into gear in order to warm the water as you drink it. Clever, hey? Stretching  Stretching catapults oxygen metabolism in the blood, sending oxygen rich cells to the muscles and the brain, which sparks an alert and focused body. This is exactly the reason for why we often do it when we wake up, or are tired! Eating an apple The act of chewing an apple opens up neural and muscle pathways, and the fructose (sugar) sparks the metabolism into energy production. Be sure to stock up on those on your next food shop… Eating complex carbs Complex carb rich foods such as lentils, quinoa and oats will help you to feel far more awake and energised. Eating water filled foods De-hydration can cause tiredness, and if you're tired and reach for a coffee or tea you'll dehydrate yourself further and become even more tired. Instead, try eating water filled foods such as watermelon, cucumber and lettuce. Oh, and remember to drink plenty of actual water too! Find the source Now it’s time to identify the root cause. Why are you tired? Are you working too hard? Are you not sleeping enough? Are you anxious? Add any thoughts to a food/mood diary to help prevent it, rather than simply react to it.Tiredness is a signal to your body to slow down and rest. It's not always about fighting it, but stopping to reflect and think. Do I need to listen and do as my body is telling me? Please note: If you're a daily caffeine drinker, any of the above substitutes will take time to work as your body deals with caffeine withdrawal. Caffeine is very strong and rivals most other products, but in due time, your body will get used to the lack of caffeine and embrace other choices. [caption id="attachment_641" align="aligncenter" width="150"]Carly Tierney Personal Trainer Guest post by PT & Media Fitness Expert Carly Yue.[/caption]   Psst, we’re also at the Ideal Home Show at Olympia London until 3rd April! Pop by stand T983 to say “hi”’ to our team, and to try out some of our incredible gym equipment! IHS---Blog-banner-2016