There are many ways you can tackle your weight loss goals, with one of the most popular options being to follow a calorie restricted diet. By creating a calorie deficit, you're reducing the amount of calories you should eat to maintain your current weight - which in turn results in weight loss. Whilst some are against this method, it’s known to be an incredibly effective way of healthily shedding the weight – providing you ensure that you’re consuming the right amount of calories based on your personal statistics, fitness goals and levels of exercise. Once you’ve got your daily calorie intake figured out, you can begin to plan your daily meals, though occasionally you might find that you’ve not quite met your calorie target for the day. If you have calories spare, it’s tempting to run to the kitchen and grab an unhealthy treat – though be aware that once you’ve had a taste of sugary food, you’ll instantly crave more and potentially exceed your calorie limit for the day. That said, if you can fit it into your calorie allowance and feel you deserve it, sometimes it’s good to give yourself a little reward! So, what can you eat for 100 calories when you’re still hungry? #1 – 1 Medium Apple 5 Healthy Snack Ideas Under 100 Calories_1 One medium apple is approximately 70 calories, and like other fruits, they are extremely rich in antioxidants, flavonoids, and dietary fibre. It’s also said that fruit helps to reduce the risk of developing certain illnesses. Win, win! #2 – 10 Almonds 5 Healthy Snack Ideas Under 100 Calories_2 10 almonds contain approximately 70 calories. They provide a good source of vitamin E, copper, magnesium, and high quality protein. Any additional protein is a bonus as it keeps you feeling fuller for longer. #3 – A Whey Protein Shake 5 Healthy Snack Ideas Under 100 Calories_3 If you’re lacking in protein for the day and only have 100 calories left in your daily allowance, a low-calorie protein supplement could be the answer. Our Optimum Nutrition Lean Whey will provide you with 20g of protein – for a minimal 98 calories. All you need to do is add water, shake and enjoy! #4 – 90% Dark Chocolate 5 Healthy Snack Ideas Under 100 Calories_4 We all love a bit of chocolate, don’t we? Lucky for us, dieting doesn’t necessarily mean chocolate is off the cards. 10g of 90% dark chocolate is approximately 60 calories. 10g isn’t a lot, granted, but dark chocolate is quite bitter and surprisingly satisfies your cravings in one or two pieces alone. #5 – 150g Fat Free Natural Yoghurt 5 Healthy Snack Ideas Under 100 Calories_5 Eating 150g of fat free natural yoghurt increases your protein intake by approximately 6-8g, and is approximately 50-70 calories (dependant on the brand). If you have more than 100 calories spare, you can always add in some fruit or nuts. With these low-calorie snacks in mind, you’ll be well on your way to a healthy weight loss – leaving the rumbling stomach behind!