Terry Hollands Deadlift

A heavy deadlift is a true sign of strength but is often a move that those relatively new to the gym put off until they’re feeling more confident. However, the deadlift is an excellent compound lift that every weightlifter should have in their routine, regardless of their experience level.

The basic premise—picking heavy things up off the floor—is something we all find ourselves doing in our everyday lives. Deadlifts, which can be performed with either a bar and plates, dumbbells or kettlebells, help to prepare your body for this function, reducing the risk of injury and increasing overall strength.

Being a compound lift, the legs aren’t the only beneficiaries of the deadlift­—the move is particularly effective at working the back, core and grip strength too. Perfecting your deadlift form isn’t easy though. It takes practice, patience, and perseverance to really nail the movement, but it’s worth all the work to reap the rewards of an exercise that’s unanimously loved across the fitness world.

A past winner of England’s Strongest Man, Britain’s Strongest Man and the UK’s Strongest Man, Terry Hollands knows a thing or two about how to lift correctly. He’s come up with a few quick tips to help you nail the deadlift and progress in your lifting journey. You can watch Terry talk through the deadlift on Instagram, but we’ve highlighted his key points here…

Use the appropriate footwear

“First thing, I like to personally do it just in socks, but something with a very thin sole is going to be very beneficial”.

You want to be stable when deadlifting, but not lose any of the force you create through compressing footwear. The thinner the sole, the more power you can create by pushing against the floor, which is transferred through your body and into the lift. Performing the deadlift in just socks reduces the limiting compression to an absolute minimum, but if you’re after some more ankle support, opt for a thin-soled shoe or a pair of specialist weightlifting shoes.

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Correct foot placement

“When I address the bar, I’m in a position where I would normally jump from in terms of my foot width”.

Picture where your feet would be if you were asked to perform an explosive vertical jump. Theoretically, this is the most powerful position your lower body can be in to generate maximum force. Your toes should be turned out slightly, so your knees don’t collapse inwards throughout the lift.

The perfect foot placement varies from individual to individual though, so feel free to experiment to find your ideal positioning. As Terry says, “Try them slightly wider, or slightly less if it feels more comfortable”.

Keep your arms close to your legs

“When I approach the bar, I’m measuring up so my arms are close to my legs”.

While the deadlift does strengthen your grip and forearms, you shouldn’t rely on arm strength to complete the movement. Keeping your arms close to your legs helps to keep the weight under control, and your arms should remain straight throughout the deadlift.

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Don’t squat down

“When I’m in this position, I load my hamstrings and load my glutes…”

Instead of squatting down during the deadlift, load your hamstrings and glutes by pulling your hips down. Squatting promotes incorrect form and takes the focus of the movement away from the correct muscle groups.

Keep your back flat and shoulders back

“…and then I’m imagining that there’s a tennis ball under each armpit, and I’m squeezing it in my armpit and also trying to push my shoulder blades down my back”.

It’s important to keep your spine neutral and your back flat, not hunched over or too extended. A handy tip for that, as Terry says, is to imagine you’re holding a tennis ball in each armpit. Simultaneously, focus on keeping your shoulder blades as low down as possible, which helps to keep your upper back in check.

Hopefully, these quick tips help you to master the foundations of the deadlift or push past plateaus in your training.  Don’t forget to shop our strength products online or in-store when you’re ready to take your deadlifts to the next level!

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Terry Hollands is a professional bodybuilder, former Britain’s Strongest Man and Body Power ProTeam member. Follow Terry on Instagram here!