Confused man It’s not exactly new information that when it comes to a resolve to keep fit and healthy, many of us struggle to keep on track. Whether we’ve vowed to stay off the booze, told ourselves we’ll stick religiously to our 5 or day, or planned to start a new fitness programme, many of us find our good intentions start to wane just a couple of weeks in. If that sounds familiar, it’s likely you’re doing something wrong somewhere along the line. So what is it that’s stopped you from keeping up with your mission? Here are a few ideas… 1. You wanted instant results Getting the results you crave will not happen overnight. We have to work at them, be patient and prepare ourselves for the long-term. Even if we could drop 10 pounds overnight, it wouldn’t stay off if we didn’t think long term, so it’s best to be patient and try to make sure you’re not just looking at short-term goals. 2. You tried to run before you could walk Of course, it’s really important to challenge yourself so that your goals aren’t easy to attain. But likewise, it’s equally crucial to make sure you don’t set your goals too high, or try to achieve things that are simply out of your limits. Maybe you decided to join a gym in January for the first time? Something you shouldn’t do, for example, is vow to run for 30 minutes at 11km/h 5 days a week when you’ve not set foot on a treadmill for 2 years! Instead, ease yourself in. Try a shorter time, or better still - vary the time between different speeds including power walking, which is still a great cardio workout and will help build up your stamina. It doesn't mean to say you won't be able to achieve that later down the line, but it takes time. Remember, it’s far better to be slow and steady, rather than set off in top gear only to come crashing to a halt at the first bend. 3. You didn’t visualise the outcome You might know you want to lose weight, tone up, or build muscle, but you’ve not actually thought about why exactly it’s important to you and visualised the outcome for yourself. For example, you want to lose weight. Is it because you want to feel more attractive and confident? As motivation, visualise the outcome – hang the pair of jeans you want to fit into in constant view in your bedroom, or pin up a picture of a celebrity that inspires you on your fridge. Sounds simple, we know. But sometimes it’s the little things that can be a huge help. 4. You didn’t like what you were doing Most people would admit that they wouldn’t bother with exercise, or healthy eating if they didn’t have to. If we discovered that chocolate was calorie-free or sitting on the sofa watching TV and drinking beer worked your heart like a high intensity cardio workout, we’d all be jumping for joy. Because the truth is, many of us don’t enjoy the process of getting fit and healthy. If that’s you, it’s important to find a plan that suits you and doesn’t stress you out. Make healthy living more fun by varying the exercise you do and food you eat. You don’t have to slog it out at the gym every night. Find a sport you love, get some fitness equipment at home that works you differently to the exercise you do at the gym, and do your research to spice up a dull diet. 5. You went at it alone OK, so your best mate may not share your pledge to get fit, eat more healthily, or whatever it is you want to achieve. But that certainly doesn’t mean they can’t offer their support. A good friend will encourage you and be there to listen when you need them to. Of course, it also helps to have someone who shares your ambitions at your side too. And the good news is that those people are out there – and you might not even know it! Most of us have a Facebook page these days. Why not post a status, asking if anyone wants to become your partner in your plight? As a result, you might even form a closer bond with an unexpected acquaintance and it will certainly help you to stay motivated. If you get no takers, join a club, support group or class at the gym to meet like-minded people. You’re far more likely to succeed with others there to keep you going. 6. You denied yourself a break It’s great to dedicate yourself to your new fitness plan, but you’re not Superman. It’s so important that you make sure you give your mind and body a well-earned break. Not only will your muscles benefit from the rest, but you’ll come back in better spirits and raring to go because you haven’t overdone it. Hopefully you’ve identified with one or more of the above and can now take steps to a more successful outcome. Remember, if keeping fit and healthy was an easy win, we’d all be champions so don’t be too hard on yourself!