Everyone’s talking about the heat wave that’s swept the country this week. With temperatures reaching a scorching 40 degrees on centre court at Wimbledon on Tuesday, the rather unexpected weather is quite the hot topic at the moment. Wednesday is set to not only be the hottest day of the year, but also the hottest day in ten years. Phew! Woman exercising outside OK, so we all love the heat, but what does that mean for our fitness programme? It’s pretty easy to pass up the treadmill for the sunbed and an ice lolly in the back garden, but if you want to avoid getting off track with your fitness programme, here are our top tips to follow for working out safely and effectively in the hot weather… 1. Avoid the 10am-3pm scorcher We’re all familiar with that advice on holiday of staying out of the sun between approximately 10am – 3pm. In hot weather at home, it’s best to try to avoid working out then too, especially if you’re going to be training outside in direct sun. Our top advice would be to try and get in those early morning workouts that can be such a struggle in the winter months. Now light from as early as 5am and still cool, it’s a great time to exercise. Plus, it’s a great feeling to get your workout done first thing. It means you can enjoy the rest of the day and not have to worry about feeling motivated in the evening after a long hot day. Although the thought of getting up early to exercise - whether that be going for a run, working out on your exercise bike or grabbing the dumbbells – may sound tough, exercise releases endorphins so it’s great for helping boost your mood and kick-starting your day. 2. Too hot? Take it indoors Those temperatures really are going to soar, so we strongly suggest taking to the great indoors. Not only will you be away from the potentially harmful heat, but you’ll probably enjoy a more effective workout and can then go and enjoy the sun afterwards. (After a nice cold shower, of course!) Lots of cardio machines, such as treadmills, elliptical cross trainers and exercise bikes come with built in fans which are just brilliant in hot weather. Many also come with interactive training, such as Vision and Horizon Fitness’s innovative Virtual Active and Passport Media Player available on selected cardio equipment. This takes you on a journey through real life world routes. The beauty of this is that you can still get that feeling of the great outdoors – but without the potentially harmful heat! View Vision Fitness cardio equipment and Horizon Fitness cardio equipment. You can also get some great inexpensive fitness accessories for a top indoor workout, such as resistance bands, medicine balls, kettlebells and dumbbells. Try our great HIIT workout, put together by Ms Miami Pro Champ Carly Tierney. 3. Keep that water bottle topped up The great weather offers a great opportunity to take your workout outdoors, but it’s absolutely paramount that you stay well hydrated. When you sweat, your body doesn’t just lose water – it also loses important electrolytes and salt. Together with water, these are crucial for keeping your body functioning properly. Mess up the balance and you’ll get dehydrated and your performance and health will suffer. Make sure you’re hydrated before you even start exercising. Have a glass or two of water before you start and keep that water bottle with you throughout your workout. Aim to drink six to eight ounces of water every 15-20 minutes during your workout. And keep drinking after too – it’s critical for maximising your performance and keeping you motivated. 4. Mix things up To stay motivated, mix up your exercise with activities such as cycling, swimming or jogging. This not only changes up your routine but also allows for greater training volume with less fatigue. If you can break up your workout into a few shorter sessions in the day, that will help you cope better. Or you could go for a shorter run outside, followed up by some indoor training. This could be on an indoor exercise bike perhaps, or some weights training. 5. Protect yourself Make sure you wear clothes that are not only lighter in weight and breathable, but also lighter in colour, as this will help to reflect the heat. And don’t forget to protect exposed skin with sunscreen. Sunscreen is not just for holidays! In the hot weather here, you’re at high risk of sunburn and sunstroke, which can not only be painful, but can also make you very unwell so you won’t be able to train effectively next time. 6. Acclimate yourself to the heat If you’re exercising outside, it’s important that you let your body get used to it. Exercise for shorter periods outside before taking it indoors and gradually increase the amount of time you can tolerate outdoors. A great tip would be to hunt out those shaded areas away from the direct sunlight. And lastly... 7. Don’t go overboard Although some research does indicate that exercising in heat can boost performance, this is really reserved for the elite athlete and much research still needs to be done to get the science backing to support this theory. Our advice is to listen to your body and know when to stop, or slow down. Working out in average British temperatures is very different to 30 degree plus heat and it’s important to take it seriously. Why not use a heart rate monitor to assess things? If your intensity level rises above your target range, slow down or stop to avoid overworking.