“New Year, New You” – how many times have you seen that tagline so far this year? Just like every January, it’s that time when many of us make a pledge to start a new fitness programme. But how can you make sure you don’t abandon yours before Valentine’s Day? Here are our top 10 tips for long term success... Fit woman pressups 1. Create a plan that fits your lifestyle If you’re going to make a success of your fitness programme, you have to stick with it. It’s therefore really important that it fits in with your lifestyle. Don’t embark upon an unrealistic fitness programme that stops you doing the things you love. Similarly, don’t sign up to a 6.30am gym class when you’re simply not a morning person! Instead, devise a plan, identifying set times and days that are convenient for you. By scheduling it into your calendar, it will be so much easier to stick to as it becomes part of your routine. 2. Define measurable goals Let’s face it - vague objectives like ‘get healthy’, ‘lose weight’ or ‘get stronger’ are pretty naff. You need to be far more specific with measurable aims such as ‘lose 2 stone’, ‘run 5k without walking’ or ‘do 100 press-ups in a row’, perhaps giving yourself a timeline to reach it. Signing up for a race is a great example – you have to be ready for a specific date. It’s a great way to spur on motivation. Aspirations you can measure allow you to track your progress and see you’re getting closer to your goal. 3. Track your progress You don’t have to take it to a crazy level, but tracking your progress will give you a confidence boost to see you’re making steady progress. A heart rate monitor is a good way to keep track of your fitness levels, or try the Bowflex Boost, a 24/7 activity tracker band that monitors your every move (even while you sleep!), meaning you know all the calories you’re burning, not only when actively working out, but also in your daily life. All your movements are included to help you get to your daily exercise target. 4. Get real Being realistic about your goals is crucial. If you’re a running novice, you can’t expect to run a marathon straightaway! Signing up for your first 5K or 10K is far more feasible. It also ensures you don’t push yourself too hard too soon. Take things slowly and build your speed gradually to give your body a chance to get used to the new activity. Lots of cardio machines can help with built-in programmes. Some, such as Nordic Track treadmills and ellipticals also allow you to download online interactive training plans. The Nordic Track T9.2 Folding Treadmill 20 built-in workouts and iFit Live compatibility, which offers interactive training, limitless targeted workouts and advice. 5. Invest in some home fitness equipment Working out at home is so convenient. No need to travel, work around gym opening times or worry about the dreaded English weather putting you off! Home gym equipment is a great investment. You can choose some great key pieces to ensure you have what you need for a good workout. A decent cardio machine, such as an elliptical or a folding treadmill is great. Check out the BH Fitness F1 Folding Treadmill for a home choice. Add some free weights for resistance and strength training and you’re all set! To make the most of little space, selectorised dumbbells are great. Try out the Body Power Revolution Adjustable Dumbbells (2-20kg). 6. Work out with a partner Doing exercise with someone else can help keep you motivated. So grab a friend to partner up with. Working out together can be as simple as getting your hands on a set of kettlebells and performing a total body workout at home together. The added benefit is that you can help each other stick to the correct form. And push each other on when the going gets tough! A stylish set like the Body Power Vinyl Kettlebells Set (2kg, 3kg and 4kg) are ideal and are also available in heavier weights. 7. Be flexible – things can’t always go to plan Even the most organised of us can’t control everything. As frustrating as it is, there will be times when your fitness routine can be interrupted. But don’t let this put you off. If you miss a workout because you got stuck in traffic, just relax and reschedule it for another time that week. One missed workout will not lead you to failure. Not if you don’t let it. And think outside the box, as they say. Away with work? That doesn’t mean you can’t workout. Take a set of resistance bands such as the RAZE Power Bands. These are super lightweight and are a fantastic resistance training tool. 8. Pick some ready-made motivators! When your energy starts to wane, it’s easy to lose sight of the end goal. To keep yourself motivated, select a prominent reminder of why you started your fitness plan. Stick up a picture of you at your goal weight or hang a pair of jeans you want to fit into in clear sight. Or make guilty pleasures an incentive. Tell yourself you can only watch your favourite reality TV show after you’ve gone for that run maybe? Or you could even combine the two by only allowing yourself to watch that show during your workout. It will make that half hour on the treadmill far more attractive! Many home treadmills, elliptical crosstrainers and exercise bikes have docking stations for headphones and some even let you watch TV or surf the internet. 9. Go low impact If you’re injured, recovering from injury, or simply aren’t keen on high-impact exercise, don’t be put off. There are loads of super-effective low-impact equipment available that will get you fit without putting strain on your body. The Power Plate my3 vibration Trainer delivers low-stress exercise with great full-body results in 30 minute workouts, as do rowing machines, or the revolutionary Zero Runner running machine. 10. Quality over quantity Never choose quantity over quality. There’s no point doing loads of incorrect barbell squats. You’ll not only fail to work your muscles in the right way, but you might injure yourself. Similar goes for your cardio training. Carrying on running when you know you’ve got sore joints is just asking for trouble. There’s plenty of guidance out there – speak to a fitness professional at the gym or try a workout DVD perhaps. Loads of fitness equipment now also comes with programmes and coaching. Good luck with your programme! And let us know which tips worked best for you. Got a killer tip of your own? Share it with us in the comments below or tweet us.