We welcome Dan Ruscillo, CEO of fitness training provider Body Aid Solutions, who takes you through a smart dumbbell workout to give you a total body blitz in just 20 minutes. Man and woman dumbbells Worried about getting time to workout this new year? With this simple, 20 minute Fat Burner, you don’t need to worry about finding time, or a busy – not to mention expensive – gym. Get a complete routine done fast with just dumbbells! 20 Minute Total Body Dumbbell Circuit It’s a myth that resistance training doesn’t provide you with a cardio workout. Not only does this workout blitz your major muscle groups, it will also get that heart pumping and is an incredible fat burner too! Just what you need to burn off the extra cheeky mince pies over Christmas! Equipment needed: one pair of dumbbells. We recommend you use a weight approximately 60% of the maximum you can lift. You may wish to use different weights for different exercises. A pair of selectorised dumbbells are a great option here, allowing you to tweak the weights. Do one set of each exercise without a rest inbetween. After round one, rest for 60-90 seconds, then repeat for five total circuits. This should leave your body screaming and reaching for those fat reserves. Warm up Start will a suitable warm up with dynamic stretches. Follow this with a 30 second jog on the spot, 15 body weight squats (going no lower than knee level), 10 body weight lunges and finish off with a second 30 second jog on the spot. Heart rate racing and feeling the heat? Now you can begin! Exercise 1: Clean and Press Muscles you’re working: deltoids (shoulders), lower back, quadriceps (legs) and CV system Start with the dumbbells on the floor in front of you. Carefully bend down, taking hold of the dumbbells with an overhand grip. It’s important to keep your back flat and chest pushed out. With an explosive effort, extend your hips. This will make your legs straighten and you come up at the waist. As you come up in one movement, slightly dip at the knees and shrug, bringing the dumbbells up to shoulder level. Then press them overhead. Perform 10-15 reps. Clean And Press Exercise 2: Two-hand Dumbbell Row Muscles you’re working: biceps, latissimus dorsi (broadest back muscle) Bend forward at the hips, taking an overhand grip on the weights. Slightly bending at the knees, looking forward and slightly downwards, bring the dumbbells up to your chest. As you “row” them up twist the dumbbells so your palms face inward. Then on the downward phase twist them back to your overhand grip position. Remember as you get the dumbbells to your chest, squeeze those shoulder blades together. Perform 10-12 reps. Dumbbell row Exercise 3: Incline Dumbbell Press (bench needed) Muscles you are working: pectoralis major (chest), deltoids and triceps Set the bench to around 15% so you are slightly elevated. Keep your feet flat on the floor, your bum on the seat and your shoulders firm against the back rest of the bench. Take an overhand grip of the dumbbells and put them in position, either side of your chest (in line with your nipples). *NOTE: You might need an extra pair of hands to be a spotter. Push the dumbbells upward and again as you raise them rotate, so at the very top your palms will be inward. On the downward phase, return to the start position. Look to do this exercise under control. If at any point your feet come slightly off the floor, then regress the number of reps or weight. Perform 10-12 reps. Incline press Exercise 4: Dumbbell Bicep Curls Muscles Worked: Biceps Make sure your feet are shoulder width apart, with a slight bend at the knees. Chest out nice and proud, facing forward. Make sure you hold the dumbbells with an underhand grip at your waist. Keep your elbows tucked in, close to your body. Raise the dumbbells alternately until the dumbbell is at your shoulder. It’s important that your elbows remain close to the body and not move away and up. When you reach the top, squeeze your bicep for a second then slowly return (taking about 2 seconds) to the start position and repeat! This can be done with both arms at the same time, but remember - make sure you’re confident with your technique first! Perform 12 reps on each arm. Bicep curl Exercise 5: Goblet Squat Muscles worked: quadriceps, hamstrings (legs) and abdominals Hold the dumbbell in front of you with both hands, close to your chest and feet slightly wider than shoulder width. Keep your back nice and straight, chin up and looking forward. Brace your core and squat down inline with your knees. Make sure your back remains straight and your chin up. Brace your core all the way down. This is an excellent move to help improve core strength also. Perform 12–15 reps. Goblet squat Exercise 6: Shoulder Press Muscles worked: deltoids (shoulders) Stand with your feet shoulder width apart, a slight bend in your knees with your back straight and core braced. Hold a dumbbell in each hand at shoulder height with your palms facing out. Slowly press the dumbbells above your head, slightly meeting at the top. The on the return phase lower the dumbbells to the start position. Look to do this part in about 2-3 seconds. Perform 10-12 reps. Shoulder press Exercise 7: Dumbbell Lunges Muscles worked: quadriceps (legs), gluts (bum) Start in a standing position with dumbbells in each hand with palms facing inward. Take a stride forward and lower your body downwards in a lunge. Always ensure your back is straight and you are facing forwards. If you start to lean forward, lower the reps or weight. Return to the start position by pushing up from your lead leg and repeat with alternative leg. Perform 10-12 reps per leg. Dumbbell lunge Rest for 60 – 90 seconds and repeat. Look to do 5 complete circuits. Remember: At any point, if you feel you are unable to continue or feel ill, STOP. Safety is always the priority. You should feel a burn during this workout but you should not be in pain. Always put form before weight. If you are compromising your form, go to a lighter set of weights. Disclaimer: Please consult your doctor before beginning a new fitness programme. This workout can be modified to suit your preferences and needs. Dumbbells - your workout must have Dumbbells are one of the best and cheapest pieces of equipment that you can buy to help lose weight or build muscle. Adjustable dumbbells such as the Body Power Revolution 2-20kg adjustable dumbbells set is really convenient, allowing you to easily switch between weights, save on space and money. They can also be used if you are a freelance personal trainer, giving you easy access to kit and exercises to offer your clients. [caption id="attachment_603" align="alignleft" width="150"]Dan Ruscillo Body Aid Solutions Dan Ruscillo[/caption] Dan Ruscillo is the CEO of Body Aid Solutions Ltd and has worked within the fitness industry for the last ten years in both the public and private sectors. Dan is a tutor and assessor for a number of recognised fitness qualifications and is a qualified Personal Trainer and Sports Massage Therapist, running his own private practice for 7 years.   Body Aid Solutions was founded in 2010, their mission being to deliver training courses that will raise standards throughout the health and fitness industry, ensuring all graduates have the skills and confidence to offer a high level of professional service throughout their fitness careers. All courses are accredited by Active IQ and are nationally recognised by employers and the register of exercise professionals (REPs). Interested in a fitness qualification? Fitness Superstore customers can now receive a 20% discount on any fitness qualification from personal trainer courses to gym instructor courses at Body Aid Solutions. Just visit www.bodyaidsolutions.co.uk and quote "fitnss20" online or by calling 0845 340 0167.